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Freedom on two wheels

Enjoy the breathtaking landscape of the Tyrolean Alps

Your bike specialist in the middle of Ehrwald

In our shop in the center of Ehrwald you will find everything you need for an eventful day on the bike. Our rental company equips you with first-class, cutting-edge e-bikes and the necessary accessories. We adjust each bike individually for you and teach you everything as needed. Of course, we also offer you tour tips for the Tyrolean Zugspitz Arena or even beyond (almost everything is possible with an e-bike;)). At Radlgaudi you can now book your e-bike in the Zugspitz Arena.


01. Only the best

Not all bikes are the same. That is why we only rent top e-bikes from SCOTT and Kalkhoff. For a perfect vacation instead of bad surprises.


We want you to enjoy your day on the e-bike to the fullest. That is why friendliness and reliability are our top priorities.


We would be happy to advise you on where you can best experience the breathtaking nature of the Zugsitz Arena. So that you only go home with the best memories.

Rent your e-bike now

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Find the perfect tour for you

From exciting trails and alpine tours to romantic backdrops and culinary highlights, everything is included. Come to the “Approved Bike Area” on the Tyrolean side of the Zugspitze and enjoy a breathtaking day. Countless bike paths, trails and MTB routes are waiting for you.
All tours

Common questions

When can I pick up my e-bike and by what time do I have to return it?


Our shop is open daily from 8:00 to 11:30 and 16:30 to 18:30. If you want to return your bike between 11:30 and 16:30, please contact us when you pick it up. If you have rented for several days, you can of course keep your bike overnight.

How does e-bike rental work?


Wir empfehlen dir in jedem Fall eine frühzeitige Online Buchung da unser Bikeverleih in den Sommermonaten sehr begehrt ist. Hier kannst du mit Hilfe von Körpergröße und Gewicht das passende E-Bike für dich finden.
Zur Abholung bringst du dann bitte die Buchungsbestätigung (digital oder ausgedruckt) und ein Ausweisdokument (Personalausweis oder Pass) mit und unterschreibst bei uns im Shop einen Haftungssausschluss.
Wenn du erst im Laden buchst musst du zusätzlich einen Mietvertrag unterzeichnen.

How far does my e-bike charge go?


Depending on the selected assistance level and the altitude you ride on the e-bike, you have a range of 40 to 120 km. Another relevant factor is the rider's weight. Experience has shown that you can travel around 60 to 70 kilometers by e-bike if you ride one of our classic tours in the Zugspitze region.

How are the bike/accessories insured?


Die E-Bikes und kostenloses Zubehör können leider nicht versichert werden. Daher bitten wir dich um Abschluss einer Privaten Haftpflichtversicherung für eventuelle Schäden/ Verlust. Beschädigungen an den Verleih Produkten werden in Rechnung gestellt und müssen umgehend bei uns beglichen werden.

If this didn't answer your question, take a look at our FAQ page